

West Virginia Campaign to Ban Landmines and Cluster Bombs and PSALM: Proud Students Against Landmines and Cluster Bombs want to MAKE IT HAPPEN!


WVCBL and PSALM celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the MINE BAN TREATY  in MARCH 2009

WVCBL/PSALM students celebrated to 10th anniversary of the MINE BAN TREATY and commemorated 10 years as a working organization with a party and cake. Students give up countless hours of their own time because they want to make the world a safer more peaceful place for children EVERYWHERE in the WORLD.

Students organize Awareness Events and a Postcard Drive to encourage our state and country leaders to "sign on" to the ban of clsuter munitions. T-shirts were designed by students and are worn by students and teachers to raise awareness.

“Global Week of Action Against Cluster Bombs.”

MAY 29th-June 4th, 2009


During the week of action, campaigners in 50 countries, including WVCBL/PSALM, challenged decision-makers and fellow citizens with the question “What are you doing to ban cluster bombs?” Students hosted Awareness Days and continued with our postcard campaign to state and country leaders.

 In countries still outside the treaty, actions were focused on convincing the authorities to ban cluster bombs once and for all. A targeted global web action allows individuals to send letters to five governments in five world regions asking them to join the treaty. With a single click, letters can be sent to representatives of non-signatories Brazil, Cambodia, Iraq, Nigeria and Serbia.
Campaigners met with leaders, parliamentarians and diplomats to hammer home the ban message. People around the world were asked to make their voice count by signing a global petition and sending letters to leaders in their countries.

PSALM/WVCBL encourages YOU to GET INVOLVED! Go to the links above to sign on!




Landmine/cluster bomb awareness table at school
Landmine/cluster bomb awareness table at school


WVCBL/PSALM Coordinator, Nora Sheets, in Washington, D.C. for Cluster Bombs Awareness